Wealth Attraction Holy Ruqyah Oil
Special Holy Ruqyah Oil specially made by our Guru (Dukun) that is believed to help attract positive energy, infused with holy islamic blessings for attracting wealth. Ruqyah is an Islamic term that involves holy recitations, supplications, and prayers. It is often done by a qualified practitioner for blessing or cleansing rituals.
When applied, one could immediately feel its strong positive energies.
The ingredients and smell of the oil itself is already mesmerizing and powerful enough that we can safely guarantee that you can never find the oil in any oil shop as this oil is made using a special blend of various herbs and magical oils.
This oil is highly recommended for those who feel that their luck is being blocked, feeling negative mentally, spiritually, and emotionally as well as for those who wish to enhance their positive vibes, continue reading and I will explain why.
Ruqyah refers to an ancient healing method based on the recitation of religious verses (doa, typically from Quran) and hadith. An expert dukun is able to transfer his Ruqyah energies from his prayers to another person through several means such as oil, bathing, water to consume etc. Ruqyah is typically used for healing and cleansing.
This oil has been blessed using the highest level of Ruqyah for 77 days, strongly energizing the oil. Note that the oil is just a vessel to carry the energies of my guru’s prayers and blessings, it can be used in several ways.
This oil can be applied daily to attract positive energies, boost your mood and aura, greatly elevate your confidence/self-esteem and charm. Applying daily may also boost your overall luck and attract good opportunities in your life. Effects can be felt almost instantly after applying. You will feel an overwhelming sense of uplifting and happiness due to its energies.
How To Use?
The oil has multiple uses, including empowering spiritual items like mustika stones, amulets, and talismans. It’s believed to attract luck, particularly in games of chance, enhance overall wealth, and draw opportunities. When applied, it’s thought to amplify a person’s lucky aura, attracting happiness and abundance like a magnet.
One of the main ingredient used for this oil is Apel Jin, a very rare substance most renowned for its strong spiritual and metaphysical energies. Its pure solid form is mainly used to perform rituals by shamans. Its oil form is believed to be more powerful for storing energies and inviting certain energies through Ruqyah or Empowerment.
The main oil extract of Apel Jin is also mixed together with various powerful oils / ingredients such as..
Lucky Hand Root – Believed to bring luck and success in all endeavours. This rare herb has a reputation within the magical tradition to bring immense luck to the user when betting or closing business deals
Strawberry Leaf Oils – Known for attracting good fortune and favorable circumstances in any situation the user wishes.
Master Root Oil – Shamans call this the Master Root or Raja Akar Asli because it masters everything and its super rare. It gives the wearer protective power against bad energies, evil influences and even evil eyes or bad luck caused by jealousy/envy. It is said to draw the power of luck and promote success in everything you do.
Magnetic Sand from Mt Sinai (Moses Mountain) – This Holy Sand comes from Mt Sinai, the soil where Nabi Musa (Moses) is said the receive the 10 commandments from God. Muslims and other faith believe that the soil from this mountain is spiritually charged and its extremely powerful for dispelling negative energies. Some dukuns even use the sand to create attraction charms.
Green Aventurine Oil – also known as the Herb of Opportunity which can naturally (scientifically) reduce stress, anxiety, reinforce decisiveness and confidence within the user. This herb is known to be the luckiest herb in spiritual practice especially in manifesting success in any game of chance. Its winning energy makes it very strong for negotiation and even courtship / dating.
There are many more ingredients that are too long to name and will be kept secret to prevent famous copy-cat attempts to duplicate our product.
More Believed benefits and Virtues are Stated Below 👇🏼,
• Amazingly powerful enchanting Presence.
• Strong Attraction towards the Opposite Sex
• Increase your Charm, Magnetism & Attractiveness
• Create a lasting unforgettable experience in the minds of those who you interact with and make your targeted person penunduk(listen) to you.
• Possess a high level of charming aura
• Able to be well-liked and admired by everyone easily
• Gain high level of popularity & fame
• Easily gain favors and sympathy from others
• Loving Kindness & Sweet Talking
• Able to influence others through sympathy and making their heart soft towards you
• Make others listen to you and do as you say
• Winning in any Negotiations
• Able to attract customers / clients and easily close deals
• Getting Rid Of Any Form Of Black Magic/Santet or negative energy or spirits.
• Possess a strong sense of self-confidence and high in self-esteem
• Be Able to achieve higher social standing and recognition
Also believed to Help with Problems like,
• Your boss or staff is not helping you or you are not happy with your office environment.
• Your close friend has grown apart from you.
• Your enemy is creating problems for you, spiritually or physically.
• Astrological remedies are not working for you.
• You want to develop an attractive and charming and positive personality and aura.
• Able to Awaken and Benefit from The Full Power of your Spiritual Amulets, Talisman, Khodamic/Pusaka items or Mustika Stones
Using This Oil for Cleansing Shower
One of the more unique methods for using this oil is that you can shower with it to cleanse any negative energies/vibrations from your body. In Malay, we call this “Mandi Ruqyah” or Energy Cleansing
Simple take a handful of salt or 7 types of flowers mix it in a pail of water. Put 2-3 drops of this oil into the water, mix and shower with it
From the energy of the oil, the flowers/water/salt will automatically be charged and you can perform such cleansing ritual yourself without needing to engage for “mandi bunga’ services
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