People with ill intentions or envy, whether knowingly or unknowingly, can make your lives miserable. This Magical amulet has the power to heal those seriously affected by any form of the evil eye. Taweez Color : Black.
Physical and Emotional Symptoms : It is believed that the evil eye can cause physical ailments or emotional distress, such as headaches, fatigue, anxiety, restlessness, unexplained irritability, anger and emotional imbalance, One or more episodes of miscarriage, Inability to menstruate in women or menstruating more than normal, Unexplained extreme weight loss or gain, Terrible headaches, Blindness, Inability to sleep, insomnia or over sleeping, Depression, unexplained infertility.
Unexplained impotence, Loss of manhood or Premature ejaculation in men, The occurrence of nightmares, Acting angry and not remembering, Changes in voice, Changes in appearance, Paranoia (like thinking someone is watching them or out to get them).
Relationship Issues : The evil eye is sometimes thought to be responsible for conflicts, misunderstandings, or strained relationships among family members, friends, or loved ones.
Failure and Bad Luck: Failures in business, academics, or other aspects of life could be the influence of evil eye. These symptoms could be indicative of the affected individual, and there might be numerous others. Possible causes could include ‘Nazar lagna,’ ‘kali nazar,’ ‘black magic,’ ‘dosh,’ or the ‘Evil Eye.’
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