This unique of three beads of Rudraksha a four face Rudraksha, a six face Rudraksha and a Ganesha Rudraksha is remarkably effective for students of all ages.
The four face Rudraksha aids in gaining of knowledge and sharpens memory. The six face Rudrksha strengthens both verbal and written powers of expression, enhances self-confidence and courage and sharpens intellect.
The Ganesha Rudraksha helps facing any new venture and removes obstacles. (Lord Ganesha is also considered the lord of intelligence & learning). This combination positively affects 3the wearer’s concentration memory, self confidence,.patience and courage.
This combination of Rudraksha beads makes the wearer fearless when facing syllabus 6 exams of any kind. In today’s world the pressure of performing well has become so great that even many good students find themselves anciety ridden to such an extent that their faculties become crippled and their minds fail to perform at optimum levels at crucial times
This Vidyarthi bandh helps reduce the anxiety of students and provides the much needed courage and confidence to face exams with their heads held high. They helps when end up forgetting their syllabus and their hands and feet turn cold as the date for exams approach and during the exams period itself too.
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