Manglik Dosh, also known as Mars Dosha or Mangal Dosha, is a prominent aspect of Vedic astrology that is believed to have an impact on an individual’s marital life.
According to Vedic astrology, Manglik Dosh is formed when the planet Mars (Mangal) is placed in certain positions in an individual’s birth chart. It is often considered to be an unfavorable planetary alignment that can result in challenges and obstacles in marriage, leading to potential issues such as delayed marriages, conflicts, and even divorces.
To counteract the negative effects of Manglik Dosh, Vedic astrology suggests various remedies and one of the most popular and widely used remedies is the Red Coral gemstone, also known as “Moonga” in Hindi. Red Coral is believed to be associated with the planet Mars, and wearing it is believed to mitigate the negative impacts of Mars and nullify the Manglik Dosh.
Some of the remedies the Red Moonga (Coral) provides are:
- Enhances Marital Harmony: Red Coral is believed to have the ability to pacify the malefic effects of Mars and promote marital harmony. It is believed to help reduce conflicts, misunderstandings, and other obstacles in a marriage that may arise due to Manglik Dosh. Red Coral is said to strengthen the bond between couples, promote mutual understanding, and improve communication, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling marital relationship.
- Boosts Confidence and Energy: Mars is associated with energy, vitality, and courage, and wearing Red Coral is believed to enhance these qualities in individuals. It is believed to boost confidence, courage, and determination, which can be particularly beneficial for those with a weak Mars in their birth chart. Red Coral is also believed to increase physical stamina and vitality, which can aid in overcoming obstacles and challenges, both in personal and professional life.
- Enhances Health and Well-being: Red Coral is also believed to have numerous health benefits. It is believed to strengthen the immune system, promote healthy blood circulation, and aid in the healing of ailments related to the blood, bones, and muscles. Red Coral is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and can help reduce stress, anxiety, and anger, promoting mental well-being.
- Enhances Professional Success: Mars is associated with ambition, drive, and determination, and wearing Red Coral is believed to enhance these qualities, leading to improved professional success. It is believed to enhance leadership skills, decision-making abilities, and the capacity to take risks, which can be beneficial for individuals in competitive fields such as business, sports, and politics. Red Coral is also believed to promote financial prosperity and success in endeavors related to real estate and property.
- Protection from Accidents and Enemies: Mars is associated with courage and protection, and wearing Red Coral is believed to offer protection from accidents, injuries, and enemies. It is believed to ward off negative energies, evil eyes, and psychic attacks, and provide a shield of protection to the wearer. Red Coral is also believed to enhance the individual’s aura, making them more resilient to negative influences and energies.
- Improves Overall Well-being: Red Coral is believed to have a positive impact on the overall well-being of the wearer. It is believed to balance the energies in the body, promote emotional stability, and increase self-esteem and self-confidence. Red Coral is also believed to enhance the individual’s intuition and intuition, leading to better decision-making and judgment. It is believed to promote a sense of inner peace, contentment, and overall well-being.
- Improves Focus and Concentration: Red Coral is believed to enhance mental clarity, focus, and concentration. It is believed to improve cognitive abilities, memory, and analytical skills, which can be beneficial in academic and professional pursuits. Red Coral is also believed to stimulate the intellect and promote creative thinking, leading to improved problem-solving abilities and innovative ideas.
In conclusion, Red Coral, or Red Moonga, is considered to be one of the most effective gemstones used for Manglik Dosh remedies in Vedic astrology.
However, it is important to consult a qualified astrologer or gemstone expert like Vedant Sharmaa before wearing Red Coral or any other gemstone, as its effectiveness may vary depending on an individual’s birth chart and other astrological factors.
Also, it is important to ensure that the gemstone is genuine and of high quality to reap its maximum benefits. With proper guidance and precautions, Red Coral can be a powerful remedy to mitigate the negative effects of Manglik Dosh and improve various aspects of an individual’s life.
To get a genuine red coral gemstone you can visit, and to consult a genuine astrologer, you can visit
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